Health Blog

Dec20th 2019

Stress no more over stress-related headaches! Physical Therapy can help relieve the pain.

Can you feel it? Starting with tension in your neck or shoulders and creeping upward through the base of your skull? You may have even tried stretching and optimizing your work station, but if you are suffering from stress-related headaches, you know that the only relief comes from either reducing stress or taking medication. Why

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Dec10th 2019

Do you stretch before and after your workout? If not, you should start.

Do you make time to go to the gym a few times per week? If so, you should commend yourself for your efforts. But at our physical therapy clinic, we notice an interesting trend with a lot of our active patients: they go to the gym regularly, but they largely neglect stretching and mobility work.

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Nov20th 2019

Is Joint Pain Making Simple Activities Seem Difficult? It’s Time to Seek Help.

Do you have more trouble getting dressed or penning handwritten notes than you once did? Are you having trouble keeping up with basic demands of your job? Do you look for excuses to withdraw from some of your favorite activities simply because it hurts to move? Joint pain can turn even the most routine tasks

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Nov10th 2019

Do you have an upcoming surgery? 3 Reasons to attend post-surgical rehab for a better recovery.

Facing surgery can be a little scary. Not only are you unsure how the operation itself will go, you may not be clear about what to expect once the anesthesia has worn off. Fortunately, our physical therapist can walk you through the precise recovery process for your surgery. Call today to schedule a consultation. In

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