Health Blog

Apr20th 2021

6 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Improve Your Health & Wellbeing

Have you noticed a decline in your overall physical health lately? This is to be expected as you age. Did you know though, that a person’s physical health has a direct impact on their mood? People with very active lifestyles tend to be happier and live much longer, according to the Mayo Clinic. They may

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Apr10th 2021

Physical Therapy Can Address These 6 Possible Causes of Your Hip & Knee Pain!

Have you noticed yourself limping or hobbling around your house? Have you accepted the fact that your once active lifestyle is no more? Are your hips and knees refusing to work the way they should without causing pain? Your quality of life has most likely dropped drastically if you’re nodding your head “yes” to any

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Mar20th 2021

3 Natural Ways To Relieve Stiff and Achy Joints

Pain Relief Is Closer Than You Might Realize! Sometimes we wake up in the morning feeling stiff and achy. We wonder, “Did I sleep on my neck wrong? Do I need to replace my mattress?” It’s only normal that from time to time we feel a little off upon getting our day started! However, if

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Mar10th 2021

Is Your Sciatica Causing You Discomfort? Here are 3 Indicators that Physical Therapy is Needed

Did You Know Physical Therapy Is Proven to Help with Sciatica? Each of your sciatic nerves runs from either side of your lower back down to each of your legs. That’s why a classic sign of sciatica is having a shooting pain on one side only. While compression of one of your sciatic nerves can

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