Category: slips

Physical Therapy Confidence Sep13th 2024

Ending Physical Therapy But Still Not Confident With Avoiding Falls?

Finishing physical therapy is a major accomplishment, but for many people, it comes with lingering concerns about balance and the risk of falling. Even after completing your therapy sessions, it’s common to wonder, “Am I really strong enough? Will I be able to avoid falls?” If these thoughts are on your mind, know that you’re

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slips trips and falls Aug29th 2024

Avoid Slips, Trips and Falls This Winter: Early Preparation Is Key!

As the leaves begin to change and we inch closer to winter, it’s time to shift our focus to something that often gets overlooked: preventing slips, trips, and falls. With the colder months ahead, now is the perfect time to work on your balance and strength to stay safe during icy conditions. At Houghton Physical

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