At Houghton Physical Therapy, we’ve helped countless individuals overcome shoulder pain and regain confidence in their movement.
Category: shoulder pain
Unlocking the Cycle of Recurring Injuries: Causes, Prevention, and Rehabilitation
Understanding Recurring Injuries: A Closer Look at Common Sites Causes: In our quest to comprehend recurring injuries, we’ve tapped into the expertise of Andrew Parrella, DPT. Recurrent injuries often strike at areas like ankles, knees, and shoulders. Let’s delve into their origins, ways to ward them off, and how to reclaim a pain-free, active life.
Solving the Shoulder Pain Puzzle: Unveiling 4 Simple Solutions with the Power of Physical Therapy!
Are you tired of wrestling with persistent shoulder pain, desperately seeking straightforward solutions that can bring you much-needed relief? Look no further, because we have the answers you’ve been longing for! Shoulder pain can be a puzzling challenge, but fear not, because with the expert guidance of physical therapy, the solutions will be delivered right
Shrug Off Shoulder Pain With A Physical Therapist’s Help
Did you know that your shoulders are the most moveable and flexible joints in your body? They are made up of various muscles, tendons, and bones, and they’re pretty complicated. They are what allow you to move around and complete many of your responsibilities during the day. Your shoulders are capable of a great deal,