October is National Physical Therapy Month. “Choose PT to Get Pain Free!”

October is National Physical Therapy Month. "Choose PT to Get Pain Free!" Oct1st 2021

Every October we celebrate National Physical Therapy Month, an annual opportunity to raise awareness about the benefits of physical therapy.

Physical Therapy is the most non-invasive option when it comes to healing a musculoskeletal injury. This means if you have weakness, aches, pains, balance, or want to improve your fitness, physical therapy is the number one choice. Alternative options are medications, injections, surgery or just living with an ailment. Become your own health advocate and choose to live your best life.

Manage pain, avoid surgery, and minimize the use of prescription drugs.

Without help for back, neck, knee, or shoulder pain, those ailments can return or hang on, leading to a decreased quality of life or even to disability. That is not an option! Taking control of your life and continuing to do the things you love will be the best decision you have ever made! 

Recover from and prevent injuries.

Our physical therapist will listen to your goals, inspire you to make new ones, educate you on the cause, and give you the tools to maintain a healthy lifestyle for years to come. There are many injuries that a few visits to our clinic can fix. 

Recovery is faster and stronger when incorporating physical therapy after surgeries like ACL repair, knee surgery, rotator cuff /shoulder injuries… and when physical therapy is used to prevent falls, chronic back pain, lingering neck pain… it will help these recoveries so that surgery or overuse of medication is avoided.

Improve your movement and fitness.

Barriers to movement and physical activity can be small or large, real or perceived. Whatever barriers are preventing you from enjoying the many important health benefits of physical activity, physical therapists will partner with you to create a safe and effective program to get you moving.

These 5 barriers to physical activity can be overcome with a little effort and the help of a physical therapist.

1.It’s too late to start, I’m too old, or I’ve been physically inactive for a long time.

It’s never too late to get moving. In addition to an increased life span, our therapist can coach you on managing your stress, improving vitality, and avoiding chronic diseases.

2. I don’t have time.

There is something extremely wrong with the busy and stressful lifestyle so many people are living. STOP… take control of your life before it is too late. You can actually be more productive when you take time for yourself. Physical therapy can rejuvenate you so you can actually get more done and be happier doing it.

3. It hurts when I …

Physical therapists are movement experts who treat pain and improve quality of life. When you visit one of our amazing therapists, you will get 1-on-1 treatment time to discuss your goals, learn why and where the pain started, and connect with a team that wants you to live your best life!

4. I don’t know where to begin.

To help you get started, we can offer you a FREE Discovery visit. If you’re in pain and would like to talk to us about getting some help, receiving expert advice, or looking for a diagnosis, we are always here to help you. We are safely offering both face-to-face and virtual appointments.

5. I’m tired all the time: I have no energy to exercise.

Physical activity during physical therapy helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to our tissues and vascular system, and other body functions work more efficiently. Physical activity also improves brain function and mental health, lowers anxiety, promotes better sleep, and aids in weight management. All of these benefits enhance our energy and lead to well-being.


If you’re in pain and would like to talk to us about getting some help, some specialist advice, or if you are looking for a diagnosis, remember we are always here to help you.  

We are safely offering both face-to-face and virtual appointments.  

If you would like to get one of our limited slots, please click here to complete our inquiry form or CALL us at 508-223-2300  

P.S. We realize some people may be “unsure” if physical therapy is right for them. If you feel like this, we offer complimentary FREE discovery visits, which give you the opportunity to come in and meet us and see for yourself how we can help you. There are only 5 of these available.  CALL us at 508-223-2300 to secure one.

Stay healthy friends 🙂

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