Health Blog

Feb10th 2017

How to Be Healthier, Stronger, and More Active

  When you get right down to it, health doesn’t have anything to do with looking like a supermodel; it’s really about having a body whose every system is in good working order. The great news is that you have more control over everything happening in your body — from your circulation to your breathing and

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Jan20th 2017

5 Ways to Relieve Neck and Back Pain

Back and neck pain can stop you in your tracks, affecting your work and interfering with your recreational activities. It takes the fun right out of your day. How to Reduce Neck and Back Pain Your pain might be from a previous injury, arthritis, bad posture or another cause. However, there are things that you

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Jan10th 2017

Increasing Core Strength to Relieve Pain

Core strength has become a popular topic because it affects the function of the entire body. A strong core means better stability, fewer injuries and less physical stress. Weak core muscles can lead to chronic back and neck pain. Signs of weak core muscles include slumping in your chair, poor posture at your desk or

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Suffering with back pain? It could be your thighs…

Dec20th 2016

If you are like one of the 80% of the population who will suffer back pain at some point in your life, you know back pain can be just a real pain. It can interfere with your life, make it difficult to bend and pick up your shoes, make you irritable and affect your ability

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