Health Blog

May5th 2023

Don’t Let Dizziness Keep You Down: Understanding and Treating Vertigo and BPPV

Dizziness is a common symptom that can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. Dizziness can be caused by a variety of factors, from illness and injury to medication and dehydration, as well as anxiety or inner ear issues. While it can be a scary sensation, dizziness comes in many forms, including feeling light-headed, weak,

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Apr21st 2023

Can Stress Cause Body Aches And Pains?

Can stress cause body aches and pains? Your first instinct might be no, but actually, stress can cause body aches and make recovering from injuries last much longer. Life is full of stressful situations. And stress can cause body aches and pains. The little aches and slight pains may be different, but they add up,

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Treat Your Back and Neck Pain with Our Advanced PT Methods

Apr20th 2023

Did you know that studies say approximately 90% of people will be plagued by back or neck pain at some point in their lives? While it is a common complaint, it can sometimes be difficult to determine where the pain is originating on your own. Sometimes pain in one area can travel to another part

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Apr10th 2023

End The Search For Relief From Knee and Hip Pain

As the cartilage in one’s joints begins to break down with age, the risk of experiencing chronic hip or knee discomfort rises. Anyone can acquire hip or knee pain as a result of excessive overuse, unanticipated traumas, or underlying disorders. While surgery may be required to repair specific disorders of the hip or knee, physical

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