Category: Back Pain

4 Ways Physical Therapy Can Relieve Your Back Pain Jul10th 2021

4 Ways Physical Therapy Can Relieve Your Back Pain

Do you find yourself struggling to play sports you love, walk, run, or even sit comfortably because of searing pain in your back? If so, you’re probably getting exhausted and feeling pretty miserable, but you’re hardly in this boat alone. It’s estimated that up to 80 percent of Americans have struggled, or will struggle, with

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Apr20th 2020

What do you think is causing your back pain? Could it be a herniated disc? Find out.

Has anyone ever told you they have a “slipped disc”? This term is actually a misnomer, since discs don’t really “slip” but either degenerate, bulge, or herniate. Fortunately, a physical therapist can treat all these issues! The latter condition, called a disc herniation, occurs when the outer layer of the disc tears. This allows the

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Sep10th 2019

Herniated disc pain. What it feels like and when you should see a physical therapist!

Could you have herniated disc pain? This type of pain can sneak up on you. You’re sitting comfortably watching TV and when you stand up, there’s a sharp pain that radiates through your back. If you’re experiencing pain in your lower back, you just might have a herniated disc. Give our office a call for

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Nov20th 2018

Is Your Back Pain Caused by a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is a condition that occurs along the spine. Most often, it is found in the lower back. The spine is comprised of 24 bones, and five of them are found in the lower back. There are also nerves and intervertebral discs in the spine. With a herniated disc, the jelly-like nucleus begins

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