Russel B

Sep17th 2021

Avid runner chooses physical therapy at age 66 to stay in the game and conquer plantar fasciitis

We are so happy to share with you this month’s patient success story… It’s about a retired arborist that is also an avid runner at the age of 66 and a F.I.T.T challenge participant.

This witty patient, Russell, is once again out on the course and able to get back to entering local races without having to go through the pain of cortisone shots. Through physical therapy and expert advice from our therapists, Russell is feeling young and staying active.

Russel Bragg gave up running for a year after the pain in his foot increased, and it was no longer tolerable – but physical therapy treatment here at the clinic has helped him get back to doing what he loves.

He has so many medals now since being here that his wife makes him give some away. We are happy to display them at our clinic, along with all our success stories.

Russell went to his doctor and was told to try a cortisone shot or physical therapy. He knew the cortisone was only going to be temporary, so he came to Houghton Physical Therapy – where he was educated on the root of the problem and how to fix it.

“I just do what my therapist says to do. I don’t think too hard about it, I just do whatever he says and I do it because it works!!”

We can positively say that what seems to be a minor problem can surely escalate to a much bigger one… you think it might go away by itself, and it can when you stop doing things… but what happens when you get active… it can put you in a painful situation.