5 Steps To Relieve Arthritis Pain In The Winter Months

Arthritis Dec7th 2023

As the vibrant colors of summer fade and the colder months of winter arrive, many of us relish the cozy sweaters and getting comfy on the sofa with a hot drink and watch our favorite shows on the TV.

As the transition from summer to winter unfolds, arthritis sufferers often grapple with intensified pain, stiffness, and discomfort.

This blog post introduces five effective, drug-free solutions tailored to alleviate the challenges of arthritis during the colder months.

Additionally, delve into the transformative power of physical therapy—an established, safe, and swift-acting remedy that has positively impacted thousands within our community. Explore these proactive measures to make winter more manageable for those dealing with arthritis-related issues.

The Changing Seasons and Arthritis Pain

Amidst the shorter days and dropping temperatures, those facing arthritis often confront heightened pain and stiffness. However, several solutions exist to address this challenge.

1. Cold Weather

Cold temperatures can cause joint fluid to thicken, making movement more difficult and increasing pain.

Additionally, cold weather can make muscles tense up, exacerbating the discomfort.

2. Reduced Physical Activity

During the summer, warm weather often encourages people to be more active.

As the weather cools down, outdoor activities may decrease, leading to stiffness and reduced mobility.

3. Changes in Atmospheric Pressure

Some individuals with arthritis are sensitive to changes in barometric pressure, which can occur with weather changes.

These fluctuations can trigger pain and discomfort.

4. Weakened Immune System

The onset of colder months can also weaken the immune system, making arthritis sufferers more susceptible to illnesses and infections, which can further aggravate their condition.

5 Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Pain

Thankfully, there are several natural and effective ways to manage and alleviate arthritis pain without resorting to painkillers. Here are five tips that can help you find relief and improve your quality of life:

1. Physical Therapy: The Safe and Proven Solution

Physical therapy is a powerful ally in the fight against arthritis pain, stiffness, and mobility issues. It’s a natural and safe approach that has been proven effective for countless patients. Here’s why physical therapy is your secret weapon:

  • Targeted Exercise: A skilled physical therapist can create a personalized exercise program tailored to your specific needs. These exercises focus on improving joint flexibility, muscle strength, and overall mobility.
  • Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques like joint mobilizations and soft tissue massage can provide immediate relief by reducing pain and increasing joint mobility.
  • Education: A physical therapist can teach you about your condition, helping you understand how to manage it effectively. You’ll learn techniques to protect your joints, improve posture, and reduce the risk of flare-ups.
  • Pain Management: Physical therapy can help you develop strategies for pain management, such as heat and cold therapy and warming the muscles through strengthening , to alleviate discomfort.
  • Long-Term Benefits: Unlike painkillers that provide temporary relief, physical therapy addresses the root causes of arthritis pain, offering long-lasting benefits.

We had an event here at Houghton Physical Therapy focused on knee pain and how to relieve arthritis pain along with the many other causes for knee pain. Here is a clip from the event with Todd Houghton, PT/Owner talking about some of the targeted exercises to do that help with flexibility and muscle strength.

If you’re tired of living with arthritis pain and stiffness, consider booking a free discovery visit with our expert physical therapists at Houghton Physical Therapy or calling 508-223-2300.

2. Warm Up Your Joints

As the weather turns chilly, it’s essential to warm up your joints before engaging in physical activities.

Gentle, controlled movements help increase blood flow to the affected areas, reducing stiffness and discomfort.

Try incorporating warm-up exercises into your daily routine to keep your joints supple.

3. Stay Active

While it might be tempting to hibernate during the colder months, maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for arthritis management.

Low-impact activities like swimming, tai chi, and walking can help keep your joints moving and reduce pain.

4. Dietary Changes

Certain foods can either exacerbate or alleviate arthritis symptoms.

Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), leafy greens, and berries into your diet.

These foods can help reduce inflammation and improve joint health.

Conversely, avoid processed foods, excess sugar, and saturated fats, as they can worsen inflammation.

We’re not saying don’t enjoy the foods you enjoy, but try to balance it out and recognize how it may be leading to more arthritis pain – especially during the winter months.

5. Manage Stress

Stress can amplify arthritis pain.

Practice stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to keep your stress levels in check.

These methods not only help relax your mind but also reduce muscle tension and pain.

Exclusive Dry Needling Gift Card Offer For the Holidays

Did you know? Dry Needling is an effective treatment in relieving the symptoms of Arthritis as it increases blood circulation around the affected joints.

Indulge in the ultimate wellness experience with our Dry Needling Gift Card! Unwind and rejuvenate with not just one, but TWO luxurious Dry Needling Treatment sessions. Buy 1 Get 1 Half Off ! Feel the tension melt away as our skilled practitioners work their magic, leaving you refreshed, revitalized, and ready to embrace a new level of well-being.

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(Offer expires 12/31/2023)

Not Sure Whether Physical Therapy Is Right For You?

If you’ve had arthritis or struggled with injuries for a while, you’ve probably tried a lot of things that didn’t work and are a little nervous about getting your hopes up again with physical therapy.

To help you understand how physical therapy will help you, and get your questions answered, you can arrange a Free Discovery Visit by clicking HERE or calling is at 508-223-2300.

This is a completely free, 1-1 appointment with an expert physical therapist and in a short time, can give you personalized advice to reduce your aches, pains and injuries.

More Expert Advice For Arthritis Pain

Download our Free, Instant-Access Knee Pain Report now

Read more about Pain Relief for Arthritis

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