How Can Physical Therapy Help Improve Your Balance?

Feb24th 2023

Are you worried that you’re not moving around as easily as you used to?

Not being able to do basic things such as walking the dog, doing jobs around the house, and going out with friends is a huge loss to someone who has been independent for many years. We know losing your steadiness is a very scary thought for some people.

Never give up; always keep looking for a solution!

Whether you want to improve your stability during participation in sport or you simply want to reduce your risk of falling, balance training is important for you. Balance training is especially important this time of year, as the elements of winter can sneak up on us and increase our risk of falling during mundane activities. As our risk for falls increases, so does our risk for injury and the severity of the injury. Lucky for us, we can help ourselves by balance training!

In this blog, we give you 4 exercise tips you can do to improve your balance and even maintain it.

Why am I losing my balance?

Did you know there are three major factors that contribute to the quality of your balance?

These three factors – sensation, vision, and your vestibular system – are essential for maintaining good balance. When all three of these components are functioning well, you are more likely to have excellent balance. However, if you’re experiencing balance issues, it’s possible that one of these factors may not be working correctly.

For instance, if you have neuropathy, your ability to feel the ground beneath you may be compromised, leading to balance problems. Nevertheless, you can improve your balance by trying out some simple techniques that challenge these three components.

4 Easy Exercise Techniques You Can Do To Improve With Balance Training

1. Did You Know That Switching Up Your Foot Position Can Improve Your Balance?

Placing your feet in unnatural positions makes you feel awkward at first, but this discomfort can help you challenge your body’s balance systems. It will force you to rely on your sensation, vision, vestibular system, and muscles to maintain stability and avoid falling.

To track your progress, you can time how long you can maintain each of these different positions. For instance, you can try standing with your feet together, with one foot in front of the other, or standing on one leg. With consistent practice, you’ll notice improvements in your ability to balance in these positions over time.

Remember, by challenging yourself with these balance exercises, you can train your body to rely on its natural systems and improve your overall balance and stability.

2. Enhance Your Balance with A Soft Surface Practice

Here is a fun and exciting way to challenge your balance. Try practicing on a soft surface! By standing on foam, pillows, or blankets, you’ll be compromising the input of sensation to your feet, which means you’ll have to rely more heavily on your vision and vestibular system.

This challenge will force your other components to work harder, ultimately enhancing them and improving your overall balance. Plus, practicing on a soft surface can add an extra element of excitement and fun to your balance routine!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab some foam, pillows, or blankets, and give it a try. You’ll be amazed at how much your balance improves. Andrew Parrella, DPT, will show you in the video below.

3. Try Closing Your Eyes

By closing your eyes, you’ll rely more on the feeling in your feet and the balance system in your head to stay upright. Practicing this exercise can help make these systems stronger and improve your stability.

To make this exercise even better, you can try standing on a soft surface or changing how you position your feet. These extra challenges will help you improve your balance even more.

Remember to start easy and gradually make it harder. With regular practice, you’ll get stronger, which is good for your overall health.

4. Try Moving Your Head From Side To Side

Your balance system, also called the vestibular system, which is located in your head, works best when you move it around. By standing still and moving your head side to side or up and down, you can improve the function of your balance system and ultimately improve your balance.

To make the exercise more challenging and effective, you can try increasing the speed of your head movements or standing on a soft surface. You can also change your foot position to further challenge your balance.

Regular practice of this exercise can lead to noticeable improvements in your overall symmetry and stability.

Practice Safely

In conclusion, it is important to prioritize safety when engaging in balance training. To minimize the risk of falling or injury, consider having a friend or family member spot you during the exercise. Alternatively, you can use objects such as a couch, bed, or countertop to hold on to for added support. By taking these precautions, you can focus on improving your equilibrium with confidence and peace of mind.

How Can Physical Therapy Improve Your Balance?

Have you noticed that your body isn’t moving quite as easy as it used to?

It’s a common experience as we age to feel more stiff and achy. But don’t worry, just because it’s a normal part of getting older doesn’t mean you have to accept it!

While your doctor might say it’s inevitable, we believe there are things you can do to improve your mobility and range of movement.

At Houghton Physical Therapy, we have successfully treated hundreds of patients who have been struggling with persistent pains and discomfort that have affected their balance and ability to function independently.

However, our patients can attest that, with proper treatment and care, mobility can be improved and, most times, completely restored.

Are you ready to take the first step toward improving your physical health and well-being?

At Houghton Physical Therapy, we’re offering a limited number of free taster consultations that provide the perfect opportunity for you to meet with one of our friendly and knowledgeable physical therapists.

Our team is dedicated to helping you discover the best treatment options for your unique needs and goals, so you can start your journey toward a healthier and more active lifestyle today!

Schedule your free taster consultation with one of our team members and complete the simple web form. Or, if you prefer to talk to us on the phone, you can call us at 508-223-2300

Don’t miss out on this chance to invest in your health – schedule your free taster consultation now.

Other Free Resources To Improve Your Balance

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